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Rylander Memorial Library

Genealogy Index: Brown

A-Ak | Al | Am-Ay| B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Bea-Bell | Ben-Bew | Bi-Bl | Boa-Boo | Bor-Boz | Bra-Bros | Brown | Broy-Bull | Bur-By | C-Cap | Car | Cas-Cha | Che-Ci | Cla-Clo | Cob-Coo | Cop-Cox | Cr-Cy | Da | De-Di | Doa-Doy | Dra-Dy | Ea-Eg | Ei-El | Ep-Ev | Fa-Fe | Fl-Fo Fr-Fu | Ga-Gam | Gar-Gay | Ge-Gop | Gor-Gra | Gre-Gu | Haa-Hal | Ham-Han | Har-Harrell | Harris-Harw | Has-Haz | Hea-Hex | Hi |  Hob-Hoo | Hop-Hoyt | Hu-Hy | I | J-Ji | Jo-Joi | Jon-Jus | Ka-Ke | Ki-Ko | Kr-Ku | La | Le | Li | Lob-Loo | Lord-Ly | M-Mass | Mat | McA-McC | McD-McI | McK-McW | Me | Mi | Moa-Moon | Moor | Mor | Mu | N | O | P-Parkhill | Parks-Pay | Pe | Ph-Po | Pr | Q-Ra | Re | Rh | Roa-Rob | Rod-Roz | Ru-Ry | Sa | Sc | Se | Sh | Si-Smi | Smith | Sn-Squ | St.-Ste | Sti-Stu | Su-Sy | Tab-Tat | Taylor | Te-The | Tho-Ti | To-Tr | Tu-Ty | U-V | Wad-Walker | Wall-Walt | Wan | We | Wh | Wic-Will | Wils-Witt | Wo-Wy | X-Y-Z

Last NameFirst/MiddleOther InformationMaiden NameIssueYearPageCommentCemetery
BrownA. M., Sr.6-May1898p. 4at home
BrownA. T., Mrs.2-May1907p. 4I.O.O.F.
BrownA.T., Mrs2-May1907p 1court case
BrownAbbieMrs. AlmosCrawford31-Mar1949p. 1at Corpus ChristiSan Saba City
BrownAliceMiss 17-Jun1898p. 4
BrownAlicewidow of Jas F.6-Apr1922p. 8at Minneapolis, Minn.Odd Fellows
BrownAlice13-Apr1922p. 4In memory
BrownAlice M.Vogel2-Jan1997p. 2in LlanoWinchell, Brown Co.
BrownAlmaMrs. LattieSikes13-Jan2005p. 2of BrownwoodIndian Creek, Brown Co.
BrownAnna  Gray29-Jul1954p. 5
BrownAnne MaeOakley27-Sep1979p. 2San Saba City
BrownAsa Jack "Bud"24-Sep1903p. 1shootingOdd Fellows
BrownAsa R.murdered by hangingFeb1954p. Down Memory Lane Col.Odd Fellows
BrownBernice ClementineMaxwell29-Aug1974p. 2in San AntonioSan Saba City
BrownBernice ClementineMaxwell29-Aug1974p. 2of UvaldeSan Saba City
BrownBobby Wayne 17-Apr2003p. 2at LlanoHillcrest
BrownClifford4-Aug1949p. 1at MasonRichland Springs
BrownDane25-Jan1945p. 7card of thanks
BrownDane Otto25-Jan1945p. 1of San SabaSan Saba City
BrownDane, Mrs.Tomlinson6-Mar1952p. 2of San SabaSan Saba City
BrownDavid29-Nov2001p. 2Holt
BrownDavid Anthony22-May1969p. 8of Crosby
BrownDavid Leslie8-Nov2001p. 2at San Angelo
BrownDennis Lee29-May1969p. 2in Brazoria Co.Richland Springs
BrownDillard12-Jul2001p. 2at AbileneChina Creek
BrownDollie [Dorothy]Mrs. Joe Frazier[Wadsworth]15-Mar1928p. 3at Ft. WorthHanna
BrownDora A.wife of George9-Aug1906p. 1Richland Springs Col.Richland Springs
BrownDora D.Mrs. ErnestTaff4-Dec1969p. 4of San SabaTerry
BrownDouglas Brian29-Feb1968p. 5at WhartonSan Saba City
BrownDr. & Mrs.*two small children ofkin to Mrs. Arhelger12-Oct1922p. 1 ?near Gatesville
BrownE. S., Mrs.7-Oct1909p. 10at Hamlin, TXChina Creek
BrownEd 23-Jan1936p. 5Cherokee Col. (STAR)
BrownEdwin Odean10-Mar2005p. 2of AustinRichland Springs
BrownElla MayDeeds13-Jan2000p. 3Elm Grove EchoesCox
BrownElvis9-Feb1939p. 2Bethel Col.
BrownElvis9-Feb1939p. 9Richland Springs
BrownElvis16-Feb1939p. 6ObitRichland Springs
BrownEmory S.19-Apr1901p. 4at homeChina Creek
BrownEmory S.19-Apr1901p. 4at home on ChinaChina Creek
BrownEva Elizabeth (Beth)Cochran19-Jan2006p. 2at AustinLakeland Hills Mem Park
BrownFred, Mrs.10-Feb1944p. 4at BeaumontBeaumont
BrownGeorge15-Dec1949p. 1near Red BluffSenterfitt
BrownGeorge*  tender babe of27-Feb1913p. 5McMillin Col.
BrownGeorge, Mrs.Bristow15-Dec1949p. 1near Red BluffSenterfitt
BrownGriff19-Apr1901p. 4in N.M.Deming, NM
BrownGriff19-Apr1901p. 4Stein's Pass NMDemming, NM
BrownH.F. "Button"6-Mar1941p. 1(News) of San Saba
BrownHaskell, Jr., Pvt.3-Nov1949p. 1in Japan
BrownHaskell, Jr., Pvt.1-Dec1949p. 5Services heldSan Saba City
BrownHattie BelleMrs. JoeCrouch1-May1969p. 10of EldoradoRichland Springs
BrownHerman "Cotton"13-Mar2003p. 2of HurstBluebonnet Hills, Hurst
BrownHoward William15-May1975p. 3of San Antonio, in old MexicoChina Creek
BrownHubbert G.5-Nov1998p. 2at Wilson N. Jones HospitalSan Saba city
BrownHugh Miller3-Jun2004p. 2at Arlingtonin Arlington
BrownJ. Ed27-Sep1945p. 4of San Antonioat Waco
BrownJ. O.21-Mar1957p. 2of San SabaSan Saba City
BrownJames Franklin24-May1956p. 2of CherokeeGray
BrownJanie LaRue14 yr. Old10-Mar1949p. 1Auto AccidentSan Saba City
BrownJasper Damon10-Nov1966p. 6in San Diego CAin CA
BrownJoe F.20-Feb1919p. 4Resolution of Respect
BrownJoe F.20-Feb1919p. 4Resolution of Respect
BrownJoe L.20-Jan1949p. 5at Richland SpringsRichland Springs
BrownJohn H,1-Dec1927p. 1at Montebello, CA
BrownJohn*infant child of25-Jun1914p. 6of Lometa
BrownJosephfuneral attendees28-May1953p. 1San Sab Star
BrownJoseph28-May1953p. 8at AustinChina Creek
BrownJoseph Frazer19-Dec1918p. 7Cherokee
BrownJoy H.Erskin7-Jan1993p. 2at LlanoRichland Springs
BrownJuliaMrs. A.J.Lane30-Aug1906p. 2Harmony
BrownJuliawife of A.J.Lane30-Aug1906p. 2north of townHarmony Ridge
BrownKatherine LouiseMrs. H.F.Durst16-Jun1966p. 4at RangerSan Saba City
BrownLarry Q.5-Jun1997p. 2of San SabaSpring Creek
BrownLaverneMrs. S.A.Jacobs13-Feb1969p. 7at TempleHolt
BrownLawrencePvt.1-Apr1943p. 1at Washington DC
BrownLawrence L.8-Apr1943p. 1at Washington DCChina Creek
BrownLee Fentress25-Nov1954p. 2at Westville, OKSan Saba City
BrownLenice Lou16 days old26-Feb1920p. 3
BrownLula MaeMrs. MackAdams11-Jul1968p. ?at TempleSan Saba City
BrownMack29-Mar2007p. 2at San AngeloRichland Springs
BrownMack  23-Nov1972p. 9Thank you
BrownMack H.16-Nov1972p. 4of San SabaSan Saba City
BrownMartha MatildaMrs. W.E.O'Neal18-Apr1940p. 1(News) of AgeritaChina Creek
BrownMary Ann(Aunt Cannie)Seaborn29-Jul1954p. 1at San Saba
BrownMary Isabel("Mrs. John)30-Dec1943p. 1Richland Springs
BrownMary Katherine Sloan12-Aug2004p. 2
BrownMaurice G.4-Dec1975p. 2at AmarilloOaklawn in Sommersville
BrownMildred A.Mrs.12-Jun1913p. 8near AmarilloSan Saba County
BrownMinnieHassell16-May1957p. 5San Saba City
BrownMonnie Moore7-Feb1946p. 1at LlanoLlano city
BrownN.E.,Mrs.5-Jan1939p. 21938 deaths col.
BrownNewton (Bus)14-Apr2005p. 2at LlanoRichland Springs
BrownNewton C.Uncle Newt"24-May1945p. 1of Richland Springs
BrownO.B.27-Sep1945p. 4of Wacoat Waco
BrownOliver25-Jun1908p. 1of Richland SpringsRichland Springs
BrownOphelia E.widow of E.D.7-Jun1956p. 8of Cherokeein Llano
BrownP. L., Rev.3-Jan1957p. 1in San SabaJordan Springs, Brown Co.
BrownP.L., Mrs.McCain16-Apr1969p. 3at ChristovalJordan Sprs, Brown
BrownPearldau. of W. E.22-Sep1921p. 8China Chreek
BrownPen *3 yr old dau. of13-Jan1916p. 4News supplement
BrownSueMrs.4-Jul1918p. 7at Killeen
BrownTed B., Sr.18-Oct1973p. 2San Saba City
BrownThomas Quinby3-Apr2003p. 2of Marble Fallsin Marble Falls
BrownTinaLand27-Aug1998p. 2in Fort StocktonRichland Springs
BrownTom M.2-Feb1928p. 1In LA
BrownTommie LeeBiggs14-Sep1944p. 1at Gatesville
BrownVada B.Churchwell20-Apr2006p. 2Locker
BrownVera ElizabethWilton5-May2005p. 2at BradyRichland Springs
BrownW.E.17-Mar1949p. 1at Ft. Worthat Clevland
BrownWalter Burnie31-Jan1957p. 1News article
BrownWilbur M., Sr.3-Dec1987p. 8Richland Springs
BrownWilliam Henry28-Sep1944p. 1at BrownwoodCox near Milburn
BrownWoodrow Nelson27-Dec2001p. 2of EarlyCox in McCulloch Co.
Brownfather of W.E., R.E., etc20-Mar1924p. 2expression of gratitude
Brown Albert M., Rev.14-Sep1995p. 2of Kerrvilleat Dallas
Brown Charles Avey "Buster"16-Jan2003p. 2of LockhartLockhart City
BrowningMattie LeonaMrs. Mack26-Sep2002p. 3of LlanoCherokee
BrowningThomas J.7-Dec1939p. 1San Saba City
BrowningWandaCastleberry16-Mar1995p. 2at DallasWallace Creek