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Rylander Memorial Library

Genealogy Index: Wils-Witt

A-Ak | Al | Am-Ay| B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Bea-Bell | Ben-Bew | Bi-Bl | Boa-Boo | Bor-Boz | Bra-Bros | Brown | Broy-Bull | Bur-By | C-Cap | Car | Cas-Cha | Che-Ci | Cla-Clo | Cob-Coo | Cop-Cox | Cr-Cy | Da | De-Di | Doa-Doy | Dra-Dy | Ea-Eg | Ei-El | Ep-Ev | Fa-Fe | Fl-Fo Fr-Fu | Ga-Gam | Gar-Gay | Ge-Gop | Gor-Gra | Gre-Gu | Haa-Hal | Ham-Han | Har-Harrell | Harris-Harw | Has-Haz | Hea-Hex | Hi |  Hob-Hoo | Hop-Hoyt | Hu-Hy | I | J-Ji | Jo-Joi | Jon-Jus | Ka-Ke | Ki-Ko | Kr-Ku | La | Le | Li | Lob-Loo | Lord-Ly | M-Mass | Mat | McA-McC | McD-McI | McK-McW | Me | Mi | Moa-Moon | Moor | Mor | Mu | N | O | P-Parkhill | Parks-Pay | Pe | Ph-Po | Pr | Q-Ra | Re | Rh | Roa-Rob | Rod-Roz | Ru-Ry | Sa | Sc | Se | Sh | Si-Smi | Smith | Sn-Squ | St.-Ste | Sti-Stu | Su-Sy | Tab-Tat | Taylor | Te-The | Tho-Ti | To-Tr | Tu-Ty | U-V | Wad-Walker | Wall-Walt | Wan | We | Wh | Wic-Will | Wils-Witt | Wo-Wy | X-Y-Z

Last NameFirst/MiddleOther InformationMaiden NameIssueYearPageCommentCemetery
WillseLititia (Tish)Rettie30-Sep2004p. 2at San Saba
WilsonAddie24-Jun1920p. 4Odd Fellows
WilsonAlleneMrs. DoyleMabry29-Aug2002p. 2at LlanoWallace Creek
WilsonAnnie KateMrs. JimLawrence12-Oct1972p. 5of San SabaSan Saba City
WilsonB.R. "Bob"28-Jan1993p. 2of San SabaVarga Chapel
WilsonElmer F.14-Oct2004p. 2at San AntonioSan Fernando, there
WilsonEmmadau of W.J.30-Jun1899p. 4Col 6Odd Fellows
WilsonEmma Geneva2 yr. old dau. of  A. B.22-Jun1900p. 4Odd Fellow
WilsonEthelMrs. G. A.Parfitt10-Oct1968p. ?of San SabaMarble Falls City
WilsonGeorge2-Oct1958p. 5at Albuquerque
WilsonGeorge Alexander13-Mar1969p. 9Marble Falls
WilsonLee19-Apr1945p. 1ex-RangerSan Saba City
WilsonLee Anderson19-Apr1945p. 1San Saba Star
WilsonLura GraceMcHorse6-Dec1984p. 2Bof San SabaHillcrest
WilsonMamiedau of Rev. M.C.19-Sep1907p. 1Odd Fellows
WilsonMartha IonaNowling24-Jul1969p. 4of San SabaLone Pine at Avery
WilsonMinnieCrane4-Jul1974p. 2Adams
WilsonMollieMrs. C.R.Shearinp. 4Mills County
WilsonPatsy O.Brown6-Jun2002p. 2of San SabaChina Creek
WilsonRuby**two small children of23-Jan1930p. 8at Brady (in fire)
WilsonRuth Easter(Harris)McAnaly19-Dec2002p. 2Hanna (Cherokee)
WilsonSallie E.Mrs. Ed F.12-Apr1928p. 5of San SabaOdd Fellows
WilsonSarah1-Aug1912p. 11col. 1 last pageWallace Creek
WilsonSarah MagdaleneMrs. Wm J.Bryson25-Nov1915p. 7of San Saba
WilsonW. F.Butch"15-Jun1944p. 8at Corpus Christi
WilsonW. W.Mrs.16-Sep1898p. 4Fr.  Mil?? Co.
WilsonW.A.3-Mar1883p. 3Column 2
WilsonW.J., Capt.2-Feb1922p. 2Tribute with life history
WilsonWilliam J.2-Feb1922p. 2Long Tribute
WilsonWilliam J., Capt.Confederate Vet.13-Oct1921p. 2obitOdd Fellows
WiltonThomas23-Nov1995p. 10of Richland Springs
WinkelDoris ElizabethMrs. KermitKing27-Jun1957p. 2at HoustonRichland Springs
WinkelWilliam kermit21-Jul2005p. 2at HoustonRichland Springs
WinslowBlancheMrs. WalkerMcGill23-May1929p. 4at Ranger
WinslowElizaLow31-Dec1945p. 1of San SabaSan Saba City
WinslowH. W.1-Feb1917p. 8Odd Fellows
WinslowH.B. , Mrs.Looking Back Col 19016-Feb1941p. 2(News)
WinslowH.B., Mrs8-Feb1901p. 4col. 4Odd Fellows
WinslowH.B., Mrs8-Feb1901p. 4Card of thanks
WintersThomas Earl20-Apr2006p. 2of GoldthwaiteMurphree in Evant
WintonJim  on last page before 14th7-Dec1894p. ?Algerita Column
WintonMiller5-Apr1917p. 4in WacoRichland Springs
WiseA.J. , Mrs.Flemming29-Nov1934p. 8at Moran, TX
WiseAllen J.24-Sep1942p. 1MoranRichland Springs
WiseMrs. A. J.Fleming29-Nov1934p. 8
WiseOscar (Mrs)Greenwood1-Jan1920p. 1at Bradyat Lampasas
WiseW. B."Uncle Billie"16-Jul1908p. 2near RochelleRichland Springs
WiseW. B. (Uncle Billie)30-Jul1908p. 2good obitRichland Springs
WitcherMr.23-Jun1904p. 31/12/1878 column (drowned)
WitherspoonBelva LeonaMrs. TomHolder20-Aug1998p. 2of Camp Woodin Corpus Christi
WittenburgFred, Jr.14-Feb2002p. 2of Lometa
WittenburgLanveniaCurry29-Jun1944p. 4at TempleSenterfitt, Lampasas Co.
WittenburgMary AliceClose5-Dec2002p. 2of LometaSenterfitt
WittenburgWill31-Jan1957p. 6at Lampasas