Genealogy Index: Tho-Ti
A-Ak | Al | Am-Ay| B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Bea-Bell | Ben-Bew | Bi-Bl | Boa-Boo | Bor-Boz | Bra-Bros | Brown | Broy-Bull | Bur-By | C-Cap | Car | Cas-Cha | Che-Ci | Cla-Clo | Cob-Coo | Cop-Cox | Cr-Cy | Da | De-Di | Doa-Doy | Dra-Dy | Ea-Eg | Ei-El | Ep-Ev | Fa-Fe | Fl-Fo | Fr-Fu | Ga-Gam | Gar-Gay | Ge-Gop | Gor-Gra | Gre-Gu | Haa-Hal | Ham-Han | Har-Harrell | Harris-Harw | Has-Haz | Hea-Hex | Hi | Hob-Hoo | Hop-Hoyt | Hu-Hy | I | J-Ji | Jo-Joi | Jon-Jus | Ka-Ke | Ki-Ko | Kr-Ku | La | Le | Li | Lob-Loo | Lord-Ly | M-Mass | Mat | McA-McC | McD-McI | McK-McW | Me | Mi | Moa-Moon | Moor | Mor | Mu | N | O | P-Parkhill | Parks-Pay | Pe | Ph-Po | Pr | Q-Ra | Re | Rh | Roa-Rob | Rod-Roz | Ru-Ry | Sa | Sc | Se | Sh | Si-Smi | Smith | Sn-Squ | St.-Ste | Sti-Stu | Su-Sy | Tab-Tat | Taylor | Te-The | Tho-Ti | To-Tr | Tu-Ty | U-V | Wad-Walker | Wall-Walt | Wan | We | Wh | Wic-Will | Wils-Witt | Wo-Wy | X-Y-Z
Last Name | First/Middle | Other Information | Maiden Name | Issue | Year | Page | Comment | Cemetery |
Thomas | Earl Edwin | Marine Pvt. | 13-Jan | 1944 | p. 1 | KIA - picture | ||
Thomas | Edwin Earl | 21-Apr | 1944 | p. 1 | posthumous award | |||
Thomas | Edwin Earl | 30-Dec | 1943 | p. 1 | Killed in Action | |||
Thomas | Mary E. | Elmore | 17-Jan | 2002 | p. 2 | of Brownwood | ||
Thomas | Willie B. | 10-Feb | 1916 | p. 5 | Odd Fellows | |||
Thomason | Ben (Mrs.) | of Rising Star | 12-Apr | 1917 | p. 8 | Rich. Spr. Column | ||
Thompson | Billie Faye | Pafford | 20-May | 1999 | p. 2 | at Pasadena | ||
Thompson | E. E., Mrs. | 13-Jan | 1944 | p. 1 | at Brownwood | Florence, TX | ||
Thompson | E.E., Rev. | Memorial service | 14-Mar | 1940 | p. 7 | (News) Bend Col. | ||
Thompson | Mary Bell | 9-Jan | 1936 | p. 3 | Locker Column (STAR) | Locker | ||
Thompson | Melba | Walker | 13-Feb | 1997 | p. 2 | Senterfitt, Lampasas Co. | ||
Thompson | Minnie | Lane | 22-Apr | 1943 | p. 1 | at Los Angeles | ||
Thompson | N.R. | 14-Jan | 1937 | p. 1 | Cherokee Col. | Hanna | ||
Thompson | N.R. | 14-Jan | 1937 | p. 2 | Cherokee News (STAR) | Hanna | ||
Thompson | Thomas | 31-Jul | 2003 | p. 2 | of San Saba | Senterfitt in Lometa | ||
Thomson | E. E., Rev. | 7-Sep | 1939 | p. | at Austin | at Florence | ||
Thornblom | Carlton | 26-Nov | 1998 | p. 2 | of Meadowlakes | Ft. Sam Houston Nat. | ||
Thornbloom | Billie Joe | 24-May | 1945 | p. 4 | ||||
Thornblum | Carl A. | 14-Mar | 1966 | p. 4 | (STAR) | |||
Thornthon | Sebern Jefferson | 5-Jul | 1962 | p. 7 | San Saba City | |||
Thornton | Alice, Mrs. | 8-Aug | 1974 | p. 2 | San Saba City | |||
Thornton | Dora | Mrs. Rufe | Harkey | 28-Mar | 1940 | p. 4 | (News) | |
Thornton | E. C., Mrs. | Lewis | 5-May | 1904 | p. 4 | Col. 6 | Harmony Ridge | |
Thornton | Emmett | Crate | 21-Oct | 1943 | p. 1 | San Saba City | ||
Thornton | Jewel Etoyah | 15-Oct | 1998 | p. 2 | in Llano | |||
Thornton | Mary Elizabeth | Wicker | 23-Mar | 1911 | p. 8 | Mrs. S. J. | ||
Thornton | Rufe | 18-May | 1944 | p. 1 | San Saba City | |||
Thornton | Rufe | 25-May | 1944 | p. 1 | obituary | San Saba City | ||
Thornton | S. J. | 20-Jan | 1916 | p. 4 | ||||
Thornton | S. J., Mrs. | 23-Mar | 1911 | p. 5 | card of thanks | |||
Thornton | S.J., Mrs. | 23-Mar | 1911 | p. 8 | Odd Fellows | |||
Thornton | Sara Kate | Katy" | Wilder | 12-Oct | 2000 | p. 2 | of Dallas | San Saba City |
Thornton | Sebern Edward "Ed" | 21-Aug | 2003 | p. 2 | at Brownwood | Goldthwaite Mem. | ||
Thornton | W.J. | 7-Feb | 1924 | p. 6 | at Miles | |||
Thornton | Will J. | 7-Feb | 1924 | p. 6 | near Miles | |||
Thornton | William Arlie | 26-Aug | 1954 | p. 1 | of San Saba | |||
Thorp | Arthur O. | 28-Jul | 1966 | p. 10 | of Brownwood | Greenleaf at Brownwood | ||
Thorp | Evelyn | 3-Jun | 1999 | p. 2 | San Saba City | |||
Thorp | John Bill | 13-Mar | 2003 | p. 2 | of San Saba | San Saba City | ||
Thorp | Thomas Erastus "Ras" | 22-Nov | 1951 | p. 6 | of San Saba | San Saba City | ||
Thorp | W.T. | 13-May | 1954 | p. 11 | of San Saba | San Saba City | ||
Thrush | Muriel "Dickie" | Crider | Norton | 3-Apr | 2003 | p. 2 | of Marble Falls | |
Thurman | Willie | 13 yr old son of N. L. | 28-May | 1808 | p. 1 | Fairview Column | ||
Till | Aubrey | 19-Apr | 2001 | p. 2 | auto wreck Mills Co. | Richland Springs | ||
Till | Billie Joe | age 12 | 26-Aug | 1943 | p. 1 | at Menard | Lometa | |
Till | Billie Joe | 26-Aug | 1943 | p. 4 | card of thanks | |||
Till | John C. | 11-Sep | 1969 | p. 2 | of Locker | Richland Springs | ||
Till | Leona | Lewis | 18-Mar | 2004 | p. 2 | at Midland | Locker | |
Till | Sherman O. | 27-Mar | 1997 | p. 2 | at Brownwood | Locker | ||
Till | Vida | Churchwell | 19-Apr | 2001 | p. 2 | auto wreck Mills Co. | Richland Springs | |
Till | Weldon Keith | 23-Jan | 1981 | p. 2 | of Richland Springs | Richland Springs | ||
Tilley | Gay Nell | Harrison | 23-Nov | 1972 | p. 8 | in Maine | Senterfitt in Lometa | |
Tilley | John B. | 17-May | 1934 | p. 1 | at Jacksonville, TX | |||
Tilson | Jason Mack | 27-Aug | 1998 | p. 2 | in Lubbock | Colony | ||
Timberlake | Effie | Stephen | 11-Jan | 1962 | p. 1 | at Fredericksburg | San Saba City | |
Timberlake | Effie | Stephen | 11-Jan | 1962 | p. 5 | Thank you | ||
Timberlake | Geneva | Bryant | 18-Feb | 1999 | p. 2 | of Goldthwaite | ||
Tinney | Lester Lloyd | 18-Jan | 2007 | p. 2 | at Eastland | |||
Tinney | Raymond | 4 yr. old son of J. R. | 29-Mar | 1934 | p. 6 | of San Saba | Terry | |
Tippins | J.W.* | (Albert Ralph) | 23-Jul | 1897 | p. 4 | 2 yr. old son | ||
Tisdale | Lennie D. | Johnson | 25-Feb | 1999 | p. 2 | of San Saba | San Saba City | |
Tisdale | William R. | 15-Dec | 1966 | p. 7 | Of Coleman | |||
Tittle | J.A. | 4-Jan | 1951 | p. 8 | of Lampasas | Oak Hill in Lampasas |